Scotland's Rural College (SRUC)

16S rRNA gene survey data from 265 equine faecal samples, including positive and negative controls.

posted on 2023-09-14, 12:41 authored by Ashley WardAshley Ward, Philippa Morrison, Caroline Argo

Authors of the data:

Ashley B. Ward 1,2*, Patricia A. Harris3, Caroline McG. Argo1, Christine Watson1, Madalina Neacsu2, Wendy R. Russell2, Antonio Ribeiro4, Elaina Collie-Duguid4, Zeynab Heidari4, Philippa K. Morrison1

1 Scotland’s Rural College, Aberdeen, UK

2 University of Aberdeen, The Rowett Institute, Foresterhill, Aberdeen, UK

3 Equine Studies Group, Waltham Petcare Science Institute, Leicestershire, UK

4 Centre for Genome-Enabled Biology and Medicine, University of Aberdeen, King's College, Aberdeen, UK

* Correspondence:

This dataset contains data collected as part of Ashley Ward's PhD Thesis project Pasture Associated Laminitis; Digesting the Dilemma (2019 to 2023).

It is being made public both to act as supplementary data for publications, the PhD thesis of Ashley Ward, and in order for other researchers to use this data in their own work.

The data in this data set was collected in February 2021.

This study was funded by Mars Petcare and is part of a PhD studentship funded by the Scottish Funding Council Research Excellence Grant (REG).

The aim of the study for which this data was collected was to compare the efficacy of four different preservation treatments in capturing and maintaining the microbial community present in equine faeces over time at room temperature. Faecal samples were collected from 10 individual animals and samples belonged to three groups (1 = 5 heterogenous horses, 2=5 homogenous ponies, 3=individual sampled repeatedly over 5 days). Samples were stored either under "COLD" conditions, in chlorhexidine digluconate (CLX), in nucleic acid preservation buffer (NAP) or on FTA cards. Samples were stored at room temperature for either 0 hours (Timepoint 1), 24 hours (Timepoint 2), 72 hours (Timepoint 3) or 120 hours (Timepoint 4), before being stored at -80 degrees. DNA was extracted within 3 months using the Yu and Morrison (2004) method. Sequencing was performed using the QIAseq 16S/ITS 384-index kit (Catalogue no. 333827, QIAGen Hilden, Germany) by the Centre for Genome Enabled Biology and Medicine (Aberdeen, UK).

ASV_TABLE: The data included in this data set are derived from the 16S rRNA sequencing of 265 equine faecal samples and controls. Sequencing was performed using and panel of phased primers targeting 6 hypervariable regions of the 16S rRNA gene (V1-V2, V2-V3, V3-V4, V4-V5, V5-V7, V7-V9), which were merged during the DADA2 phase of data generation. ASVs were assigned using the SILVA database. The table provides the count of unique ASVs identified in each sample, where row headers provide the identifier of the taxa (corresponding to the linked data "TAX_TABLE", and the columns represent samples.

TAX_TABLE: The data included in this dataset were generated from SILVA alignment of ASVs with corresponding taxonomic groups. These data describe the taxonomy of unique ASVs.

META_TABLE: The data included in this dataset describe each of the 265 equine faecal samples in relation to: Group, Individual, Treatment, Timepoint, and DNA yield (as measured using DeNovix11 spectrophotometer).


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